Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Imperfect Mothers DO Make a Difference - We're OK... :)

I just prayed and read words from the book “Daughters of My Kingdom.” I read a certain portion, then re-read it and took notes. I am praying to know how to be a better Homemaker/Nurturer – praying to help my family to grow…

I LOVE this book and am quite inspired and happy as I read it. But I was a little overwhelmed the first time I read it because at that time I was too hard on myself and felt like a clueless girl with no skills to teach and protect my family from the evils of the world. This happened as I thought of the areas in which I lack – the areas in which I have weaknesses and don’t feel like I know what I am doing or how to do it.

But then a brief and gentle thought came to my mind, asking me what I think my family members lives would be like if I were not here… Many good choices made by family members in response to things I have done in our home flashed before my minds eyes. Suddenly I could see that I DO MAKE A DIFFERENCE - despite the things I lack. Despite the areas where I am still struggling to make a difference – I still make a positive difference in the lives of my family!

I know that may sound like a logical no-brain er to others.  But for me, it was the realization that when I feel discouraged or overwhelmed - I am simply too hard on myself… the realization that I seem to expect PERFECTION of myself. And that discouragement comes when I wast time and mental energy measuring myself against that perfect goal; when I should have the humility to realize that we all fall short, and just need to do our best and rejoice over all the progress we are making and in the good that our Father in Heaven blesses us to do. 

I think I’ll go make breakfast now. And then I’ll go forward and have an awesome day – and I think I'll choose not to focus on the gap between where I am and where perfection is. I think I’ll strive once again to focus not on where I am (or where my family is) – but rather on the direction in which we are headed. 


Corine :D

Thursday, October 25, 2012

More Happy Ever...

Hi.  I am HAPPY. I am seeing life with my heart again… :D Everything looks better, truer, more hopeful and more beautiful when you see with your heart. And it is just so much easier to forget the negative and keep moving forward! :D

I recall thinking about this concept when talking to a man I met outside a grocery store. I wrote a blog post about the experience titled something like, “Not a Typical Man; He was Different.” I remember the man asking me

“Are there things that you would like to change about your life?”

I told him there were. His response was simple,

“Stop talking about them.”

I think it wise for me to add here YOU STOP THINKING ABOUT THEM toodon’t keep coming back to something you don’t want in your life.

There is truth to that. I’ve experienced it first hand…

For a long time, I was such an idealist; I had a great vision of a Fairy Tale life for myself. I basically imagined a life with all the joys and fluff but none of the obstacles on the way to “Happily Ever After” Then all the obstacles of reality hit me square in the face – and there were times when I focused on obstacles to the point of not seeing the possibility of my own “Happily Ever After”

I thought about the “ideal” that I imagined for myself; and I thought about how life DIDN’T seem to happen the way I planned and dreamed (even though it seemed to happen for others). And it used to depress me. Then I wondered,

“Where was my fairy tale life?
“Where was my ‘happily ever after?’

At that time in my life, I failed to realize that “happy ever after” does not entirely come in this life… This life is the time of adversity. This is the time of challenges, struggling and overcoming. But that doesn’t mean we can’t focus more on the happy, than on the sad… I thought of a new phrase to go with “Happy Ever After” during moments in which we are still waiting for the “after.” We can choose to be “more happy” than sad. We can choose to be “More Happy EverRIGHT NOW.

I want to share with you something marvelous I heard in General Conference this month…

“No matter our circumstances – no matter our challenges or trials – there is something in EACH DAY to embrace and cherish. There is some thing in each day to bring gratitude and joy if only we will see and appreciate it. Perhaps we should be looking less with our eyes, and more with our hearts.” Dieter F. Uchtdorf

I am SO THANKFUL I didn’t stay in the darkness; that time DID come to an end... I came to learn some wonderful truths for myself which displaced the old unrealistic thinking (I LOVE the eloquent and poetic reminders given at Conference! :D).

There is a journal entry that I wrote which relates to this. NOTE: This is in reminiscence... I currently LOVE THE PRESENT. My life is GOOD, and gets BETTER with each passing day and year, so I look to the future with hope and enjoy today. But remembering a time when I did not - is a blessing that helps me to keep loving today. And so, I love to re-read this now and then…

“I would remember the past… Somehow, the bad past was ignored. I simply brushed it aside when it came to mind, in favor of longing for the good past and for all the joy I found in it – despite the parts that I pushed out of my mind, which I decided didn’t matter; I determined that the past negatives were so worth all the past positives that went with them.

“But no matter what, I could not go back into the past and relive my life, somehow making it so that the present pains and uncertainties would cease to exist. I couldn’t go back in time to change the future/present; and living in the past was killing me.

“So I decided to leave it in the past, and keep moving forward.

“It was the best decision of the century.

“I learned, in time, that I could do the same thing with the present negatives in life, - that I did with the negatives of the past; simply push the negatives out of my mind, with the conscious conclusion that the present negatives are well worth the companionship of the present good that come with them – but are not worth focusing on...

“I learned that when I let go of thinking about the negative, the darkness lifted from my view, and provided the light I needed to be blessed to see the positive.

“I decided to let go – to stop longing for the past – and to be OK with less than idealand I ended up having my eyes opened and discovering/seeing that I already had it.

I am so excited to be inspired by the reminder: my life is what I make it - not only by the things that happen to me or by the things I choose to do, but also by the things I choose to believe – and bring back to my remembrance, over and over again….

Yesterday I was blessed with another great quote which is worth hearing over and over again…
"I am asking that we stop seeking out the storms and enjoy more fully the sunlight. I am suggesting that as we go through life we 'accentuate the positive.' I am asking that we look a little deeper for the good, that we still voices of insult and sarcasm, that we more generously compliment virtue and effort.

"I am not asking that all criticism be silenced. Growth comes of correction. Strength comes of repentance. Wise is the man who can acknowledge mistakes pointed out by others and change his course.

"What I am suggesting is that each of us turn from the negativism that so permeates our society and look for the remarkable good among those with whom we associate, that we speak of one another's virtues more than we speak of one another's faults, that optimism replace pessimism, that our faith exceed our fears."
(Ensign, April 1986, p. 2-4). Gordon B. Hinckley
The Lord has been very good to me; to help me to pursue the talent, to look for and see the positive and good in others. I have been greatly blessed by it, as I have never known a person who I did not love.

Now, through prayer and work, I am learning (once again) to develop the talent of looking at THIS probationary LIFE with the positive eyes that I have been blessed to see people through. When I talk to my friend Jolynn about tough life experiences, she always tells me, “It happened for a reason. It’s OK.” I’m starting to believe her. As I think about why we left our Heavenly Home to come to Earth and of how much we learn and grow from truly tough times, I think she is right; and it’s helping me to see more of the good in less-desirable experiences…

Life is still filled with struggles, and there is still so much for me to work on and improve; but now I can see so much more than ashes when the fires of trials come… Now I see mostly glowing embers.

Friday, October 19, 2012

The Faith of a Child

I found this recently on my friend Ginger's blog. I love it so much I want to share it! :)  
Thank you Ginger! :D

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Visiting Family - Part One...

This weekend our family went on a little trip to visit some family. It was SO SHORT, but SO WORTH IT! :D

The first visit we had was at a nursing home where Miles' father lives. The time here was short (compared to visiting in his home in past years) but very sweet... Miles sister, Liz, warned us that he doesn't always remember people, including his own kids. Since we haven't been there for a while we knew it might happen to us, especially with kids who change so quickly.

But to our delight - he remembered us ALL. He did ask where Levi was, and was surprised to find out that Levi had grown and changed so much, but he remembered him! :) And he was so happy to see us! :D And we were so happy to see him. He was so sweet. The one heart breaking thing was hearing him ask me if we added onto our house yet so he could move in with us. My heart sank. Years ago when Rose Mary was alive, we spoke of adding on to the house or purchasing another home right next to another for Ray and Rose Mary to live in next door to us, but finances have not permitted either. I think families belong together, and this is hard for me. I would take care of Ray if I could. Enough of that. Moving on to our great visit...

It seems that old age is bringing out the best in Ray as far as personality and disposition go. However, there is that one item... LOL Liz had that little gleam in her eye that told us she had something fun or funny to share, then she said to me and my family, "watch this..." She turned to Ray and asked him, "Where did you get your hat?" He very mater-of-factly, and with incredible sweetness about him replied, "I stole it." :)  LOL Shocked... we all laughed. Dad was NOT a thief, until dementia set in. Liz told us that he used to steal all the flowers and take them to his room. His room was filled with flowers! They had to take the flowers back out of his room to return them to the halls where they belonged. I wish I had known; I would have bought a bunch of flowers for him. I think I will send him some right away. :)

Anyhow, we visited as a family the day we arrived, then Miles returned to visit his father the following day with just his siblings. I think it is great that they were all there and am so glad Miles called his sister and asked her to arrange for all the kids to visit their dad together. I'm so happy that they all made it! :D Here are a few photos...

I like this one because All 4 of the kids are smiling. :)

 We had a short visit with my family and a short trip to the beach as well - both of which were as sweet as they were short - but so worth while!!!!  I LOVE FAMILY! :)

While I visited my family (Sunday after church) Miles went back to visit his dad again, this time with his siblings. After their visit the four of them came back to my family gathering so they could see the kids and I. Again, way short, but sweet.

I have to get going, so I will document the rest of the trip later.

I hope you are having an awesome day! :D

UPDATE: More photos to add! :D

I'm not much of a "lap sitter" but Miles was starting to cry, and I couldn't handle it so I sat on his lap to comfort him.

Smile Miles and Devry...
That's better... :)
(Ta ta for now! ;)
 Corine :D

A River of Peace...

Yesterday I made a feeble attempt to comfort someone over the loss of Jason, a very dear friend of ours. I probably sounded strong, secure, happy... Perhaps I am. Even still, when it came time to prepare food for my family, I went into the kitchen and forced myself to make zucchini bread and dinner - with tears streaming down my face. And you know what, I felt better after crying. I always do. Crying releases negative emotions and somehow makes everything easier to bear. I wonder now, if instead of encouraging my friend to "be happy" - if I should have encouraged her to let out her feelings out and just CRY.

This morning I got out an ensign magazine and just started reading. Without knowing the content I just opened the magazine and started reading an article titled A River of Peace (the lord leads me in this manner quite often; I love it! :)).

The article turned out to be written about by a man who had lost a son in a terrible accident. He wrote of the "piercing wound in his soul created by the loss of his son" and of how he dealt with it. In his article he acknowledged that "mourning is a result of our love." I think that is an important thing to note. Mourning is not a result of weakness or some perceived fault that one may have... "Mourning is a result of our love." I think that is a good thing...  :)

At the same token, the author acknowledged that though our hearts mourn, they don't have to be troubled. He spoke of the atonement and of how the Savior is acquainted with grief and knows how to succor us (and he pointed out that Christ chooses not to succor us too quickly, for we grow and come to understand things through mourning). He spoke of the peace that the lord offered him, "despite the heartache," and that all he had to do was ask for it.

The author spoke of the need to be courageous, willing to go through that which the lord sees fit to allow us to go through - just as Shadrach, Meshach, and Aben-digo did - knowing that the lord could do anything to keep them from pain or death, then stating "but if not" - showing continued devotion to God and trust in God's decisions. And the author closed with this statement:

"The greatest gift we can give those on both sides of the veil is to move forward with our heads held up in faith and hope in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, even if each step is taken with tears streaming down our faces. For we are promised that 'the grave hath no victory, and the sting of death is swallowed up in Christ' (Mosiah 16:8). One day 'the Lord God will wipe away tears from off all faces' (Isaiah 25:8).

My new advice is simple. Cry when you need to. But remember always to think positive thoughts, and keep living with faith in Jesus Christ - remembering that at the right time for fostering our own growth and eternal happiness - He will wipe our tears away...

Hugs to each of you my friends as you mourn...

Corine :D

PS. To read the entire article A River of Peace click here...

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Nurturing - The Tiny Acts of a Mom

I LOVE being a mother!!! :D  I am SO THANKFUL for the blessing I have to be a mother! :) I'm also thankful for simple life experiences (like gardening and exercise) that help me to learn about how to be a better mother. I think of gardening A LOT when I think of nurturing my children.

I just read a blog post in which a mother talked about the critical times in a child's life, and of the importance of paying attention and noticing these times - and really paying attention to our kids and being there for them when they need us... .looking at the pictures they draw and show to us with real interest and then providing encouraging feed back... talking with them and building them up ... I love to read inspiring words like these (thanks Ginger)!

Reading this post provided me with an awesome reminder to really BE THERE for my kids, and with my kids - REALLY  LISTENING intently to what they mean to say and how they feel 100 %.

As I read that post I immediately thought of my garden again, as I had earlier this morning. I thought of how my garden teaches me about SO MANY aspects of life - one of which is being a mother.

My gardening experiences have taught me another amazing truth about the sacred role we mothers have to nurture our families - that even in our imperfections and occasional neglect to care for them as we should - they survive... We do not need to stress or fret over our imperfections and shortcomings.

But it is even more wonderful and amazing to see that such tiny little acts of nurturing  - especially if consistent - can make such a HUGE impact and promote enormous growth!

I think knowing this, and really investing our time and efforts where they matter make being a mother THAT MUCH MORE EXCITING and REWARDING! :)

I love The Family: A Proclamation to the World. Since my husband and I have taken this to heart and strove to follow the counsel given here, our family has been increasingly blessed. It has taken us a long time to implement some of it and we are still not perfect at it; but as we have gotten better at it the results have been astounding. The BLESSINGS that come from following this counsel are SO WORTH THE EFFORTS! Here are two paragraphs from that Proclamation that I really love...

HUSBAND AND WIFE have a solemn responsibility to love and care for each other and for their children. “Children are an heritage of the Lord” (Psalm 127:3). Parents have a sacred duty to rear their children in love and righteousness, to provide for their physical and spiritual needs, and to teach them to love and serve one another, observe the commandments of God, and be law-abiding citizens wherever they live. Husbands and wives—mothers and fathers—will be held accountable before God for the discharge of these obligations.

THE FAMILY is ordained of God. Marriage between man and woman is essential to His eternal plan. Children are entitled to birth within the bonds of matrimony, and to be reared by a father and a mother who honor marital vows with complete fidelity. Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ. Successful marriages and families are established and maintained on principles of faith, prayer, repentance, forgiveness, respect, love, compassion, work, and wholesome recreational activities. By divine design, fathers are to preside over their families in love and righteousness and are responsible to provide the necessities of life and protection for their families. Mothers are primarily responsible for the nurture of their children. In these sacred responsibilities, fathers and mothers are obligated to help one another as equal partners. Disability, death, or other circumstances may necessitate individual adaptation. Extended families should lend support when needed.
Click on the link below if you would like to read the entire Proclamation...
The Family: A Proclamation to the World

I'm so thankful to Heavenly Father for giving me the sacred roles of wife and mother! And I'm so thankful for the gospel of Jesus Christ for teaching me how to nurture - as the Proclamation of the Family suggests I am primarily responsible for.

I am not a natural nurturer (though I do love). It has been a constant struggle for me to learn how to be a nurturing mother. I don't know that I will even remotely "have it down" before the kids leave home, and know that I will still be working on developing these nurturing skills through my grand mothering years, and perhaps throughout all eternity!

But as the Holy Spirit has taught me through my garden - as long as I do my best to nurture them there is nothing to fear. They will survive my shortcomings very well. All the small and simple things I do to nurture them will give them strength to survive the storms of life; and after all is said and done (even if some of them stray for a while and have to learn a thing or two thorough experience - though I don't think they will) - those who are nourished will grow up to be beautiful, productive, kind, good people... :) 

I love the peaceful feeling inside me as I find myself renewed in my desires to be a better mother, and of the assurance I have that I can be; ALL women can all find joy in being a mother - for that is what our Father in Heaven created us to be!... :)

PS. It is almost time for General Conference to start, so I must be going now. I'm so excited to hear the lord's Prophet and Apostles! :D Every conference provides life changing information for me! I love to listen to the talks given at conference over and over again! :)( I just started doing this a few months ago on my I-pod while exercising and I LOVE it!). Here is the link; General Conference Come check it out! :D

Corine Moore :D

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Seeing My Life Through Heaven's Eyes...

I walk outside through the sliding glass doors of my bedroom and out into my own back yard. There is a gentle breeze. I breathe it in and just stand there - looking – taking the view in without a care or thinking of anything that needs to be done… “This is our yard.” I think… It is not a rental. It’s ours. (It has been 11 years, and still I am in awe of it.)

My feet walk slowly along the ground, and I see GREEN grass, where it was recently yellow and dead. I continue on towards the back fence and walk along the garden. I look at the one word sign I posted in the garden at the end of summer: “Live.” It survived, even after weeks with little water.  It’s as if the garden read and obeyed my sign. :) I am amazed that even after all that the garden has been through this year  – it still lives and produces

Even still… this garden will see better years, but I don’t think of that. I am smiling in awe reminiscing the accomplishment that made it possible; that I DID the huge and awesome work of hauling dirt and stacking those concrete blocks to create those 3 garden beds (that makes it sound so easy, but it really was HARD work. :o Work that I am just so happy to have done and to be benefiting from still!). I remember a time when there was no garden here. I am so thankful for all that I have. 

Just past the last garden bed I see the apple trees I planted. One is covered in apples. This is the first year this tiny new tree has produced so much. I am new at this, and did not yet make a pesticide free spray to keep the bugs off like I planned to. Most of the apples are covered in worm holes. But I don’t think of that. I think of cutting out the bugs and slicing apples to dehydrate into chips for snacking on. Perhaps I will make some apple pie filling and freeze it for the holidays. I am so happy to have apples. Next year we will have TONS of apples, and they will be protected from bugs! :)

I look around my yard and see how different it looks now as compared to 3 years ago. It isn't perfect yet. It has weeds, and parts of the fence still need work. But I don’t see that. I see a yard that has so much more potential and promise than it did in years past, and a yard that will continue to grow and produce for years to come. It reminds me of my life and fills me with hope; I am startled to find myself enjoying today so much that it surprises and delights me . :D 

I am filled with joy as I continue looking… I see fruits, vegetables, berries (these bushes are only starts right now - but I look into the future and see that I will one day be making pies and canning from them)… And I see a large trampoline where the boys play. The Lord helped me with all of this. He inspired me and gave these blessings. He is good. I like my yard. And I KNOW the lord loves me! :)

I think of my dear friends and the love they have for me (nothing makes life sweeter than friends!)...

The conversation I had over the phone with Teresa on my way out the door rings through my ears,  
“I love you SO MUCH!” 
She keeps saying it to me over the course of our conversation – earnestly, and repeatedly
 “And I love seeing you and your husband take walks together hand in hand. I want a man who treats me like that!”
I smile thankfully.

And I remember seeing another friend earlier today and hearing her tell me how much she misses having my  husband, Miles, for a Home Teacher. I think of what a GOOD man he is and of how much he loves me; and I breathe out another slow sigh of gratitude for my best friend… :)

Only about an hour before my walk, my dear friend Jolynne talked to me on the phone, “I love you SO MUCH! I am so happy that you are happy again! :D” Valerie and other friends tell me they love me when I talk to too. What sweet friends I have! I AM SO BLESSED! (And what a sudden outpouring of love!)

And then there are the unexpected flowers and other friends who DO simple things to show me that they love me. Like encouraging me with my fitness goals or stopping to say some simple thing to me after church on Sunday. I know my ward family don’t know it, but these tiny little moments mean so much to me…

My heart is overflowing with love and gratitude for my relationship with Heavenly Father and the simple daily blessings He so freely gives me, as well as for the friends in my life whose hearts are so overflowing with love for me… :) I feel incredibly blessed.

I'm SO thankful for my eyes.  I can see clearly now. It is as if they have been given new life. Suddenly, I seem to SEE MY LIFE - through heaven's eyes…

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

September Blessings...

I have a new blessing to remember. A friend in my ward, who I never even get together with but would love to...  just stopped by my house and brought me these beautiful flowers...

I held back the tears when April gave this to me then lost it the moment she left. How totally and completely unexpected! I was humbled to find myself asking myself, "why? why me? People don't do things like this for me." But they do...  I can't begin to explain how much this means to me...


There are other blessings worth mentioning as well. During the last week of September our family was been INCREDIBLY blessed. I'm no show off, nor do I mean to brag, but I would be foolish not to celebrate or do something to help me to remember. And I would love to publicly thank God for blessing us so much...

*FINANCES - Miles got an awesome job doing what he loves (mentoring youth) with a local company who wants to work with his schedule so he can continue to work his sailing business during the summer (this is mostly a winter job, which is exactly what Miles wanted and needed; Wow! We have needed this SO BADLY for the last 9 years!  I'm SO THANKFUL to Miles for preparing himself and applying for this job; and so thankful to Heavenly Father for making it all possible! :) 

*TEMPORAL NEEDS - We were INCREDIBLY BLESSED with a used suburban in awesome condition at an AMAZING price (paid for in cash – no payments!). Seriously, this is a miracle that took place here. This vehicle is worth several times what we paid for it! I'm so happy for Miles... :) We were also blessed with a new comfy chair. :)

*SPIRITUAL NEEDS - Miles and I went to the temple together and got to do something especially cool there.

*BUILDING MEMORIES - Mindy was given two tickets to Silverwood Theme Park, so she took me with her and we had an awesome mother/daughter day! 

...taken while on the Ferris Wheel (which was a total baby ride, so we decided to get on the "Panic Plunge" next... :)

Mindy and I we were both a little nervous about riding the Panic Plunge for the first time. While in line discussing the ride, three young men began talking to us about the ride and our anticipation of it. They gave us tips about how to position ourselves and told us of their experiences. And since we got on the ride before they did, they watched us intently as we came down screaming and laughing... :) It WAS SO MUCH FUN! :D I think these men had almost as much fun watching our reactions, as we had reacting to the ride. When the ride ended the employee running the ride asked the onlookers who had the "best" expression. The three men (and a few others) all pointed to me and yelled, "she did! Over here, it was her!" That made me laugh again, especially as they checked my seat to be sure it was dry!  (OF COURSE IT WAS DRY! :o)

As soon as Mindy and I left the ride we both rambled on about what an awesome experience it was. We were pretty shocked to realize how high that ride went. WE were also pretty proud of ourselves for doing something that BRAVE. LOL (...yeah, well, we haven't been to amusement parks very many times in our lives. We are new at this! :o)

Anyhow, we only walked for about 30 seconds when we knew - we HAD to do it again! - AND NOW!

So we did. :D

It was a whole different experience the second time. The view was different since we were looking another direction - what an amazing difference the view makes! But as you can see from the look on the face of the guy who sat next to me... I was still entertaining everyone - doing this strange mixture (undoubtedly impressive ;)) of screaming and laughing all the way down! I think I should have gotten a prize for providing such great entertainment to not only the onlookers from below, but also to the participants who you would think would be fully focused on their own experience! LOL!
Here's the proof... :)

Since everyone seemed to enjoy watching me on my way down the first time, I handed the camera over to an employee with a thankful  request that he get my expression as I came down again. :)
Mindy and I also tried to go to the Women’s Broadcast together, but due to our awesome experience and difficulty leaving Silverwood, we showed up at the conference right before the closing prayer. We tried to watch it on the net when we got home but there were technical difficulties – probably due to the fact that it had only just ended. We are excited to watch it together right away and have another great experience together. By the way... we actually enjoyed being at the stake center together even though we missed the conference. The spirit felt SO GOOD. And it was cool to see the service project in the cultural hall. Mindy and I love the gospel of Jesus Christ SO MUCH and were very sorry to have missed this experience. We LOVE being part of the Relief Society of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints! We are sure to plan better in the future...

*TIME OUT FOR FUN, FRIENDS, AND FAMILY - This was earlier in the month (not in the last week of September like most of the rest of these blessings), but our family went to Jamms one night with friends after spending FHE on Tubs Hill together. Sometimes life gets so routine, and it's nice to do get together with like minded friends and do something different. Here is a photo of a couple of the kids talking. I REALLY like the quote on the back of Levi's friend's shirt.

"I trade sweat for strength,
I trade doubt for belief,
I trade cheer for nothing!"

I am SO thankful for positive people and positive words. I think I'll find me a shirt like that. :D

*KIDS GROWING UP – It is FUN watching one of my sons start dating. :) It is FUN to hear another son ask for pencils and see him get back into developing his amazing artistic talents again. It is FUN to watch my daughter bring friends over to the house to socialize with. It is FUN to watch my youngest be so faithful in seminary, school, service, and church activities. He is always the last one to leave after church on Sundays because he is taking down chairs and removing trash etc. I LOVE his willingness to serve. :)

ME LEARNING AND GROWING - I love learning. And I have a lot to share. But I decided it is time I stop boring my readers to tears with so much of what I am learning... :) Just know that it's been a great month of learning and I'm really happy about that! :D

Well, that's enough rambling about blessings and learning.
Have an awesome day! :D

Corine :D