Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Happy New Year 2020, and Happy New Life - Here I Come! :D

Happy New Year 2020! 
And Happy New Life, Here I Come! :D

Hello world! :D Corine here. Writing in behalf of myself, and occasionally Miles, too. ;) We hope you had a wonderful Christmas and New Year, and that life is GREAT!

As for me, I am about to become living proof, that after several years of crazy busy, too busy to blog or socialize or even breathe well enough to exercise - even when you love moving and socializing, next to life itself... THERE IS HOPE TO GET YOUR LIFE BACK!

Because friends and family,   

I'm taking my life back! :D 

It's gonna be a good GREAT life! :D

Miles and I felt like slaves last year... working on an audit and letting some important things fall through the cracks. Like exercising, and socializing, and just about everything else. lol (Not!) :o BUT... We did have some really good things happen despite that. Including having a son marry and give us a wonderful new daughter! :D We love you, so much, Chloe!!! :D

I could go on and on about that wonderful girl! :) But to stay on task, taking my life back... 

After a long time of Miles and I doing what the world demanded of us and almost nothing more, we figure it's time to get healthy again and do the things that make life great! Not just physically, but also intellectually, spiritually, and socially. We both desire to get on track with our own personal life missions so we can really contribute and make life fulfilling and wonderful for ourselves as well.

We wanted to get intentional about all these things (because otherwise, some just don't happen). So we set some new year's resolutions about the way we spend our time, individually and as a couple. And started working on them immediately.

Our goals are simple. But exciting. :) I went for a jog/walk a few days ago, in preparation for the running I knew I would soon be doing regularly again. :) And I ran today! :D Baby steps. Sigh. Baby steps. Miles has been hand cycling while I jog or run. Nothing far or terribly fast yet, but we are DOING it! :) You know what we say... Just keep moving forward! :D

I also Gladly said yes to a friend who asked for help serving food at her daughter's wedding reception on Saturday. "Socialize" and "service," the first week of the new year: Check! Check! ;)

And decided to also start blogging; going on more mini vacations; and (after a year of hibernating to do paperwork), actually socialize with people in person again, too! :)

I set some other New Years Resolutions, too, and started working on them immediately. Three days ago I spent the day in fasting and prayer for help to make changes in my life. I was inspired to make a weekly schedule to work my goals into my life in ways I have never done before; and I'm following it. :) With flexibility, but also with commitment and wisdom. I'm waking earlier, even when I don't want to. Going to sleep earlier. Doing the really important things right away/putting them most important things FIRST (including daily scripture study and communicating with the Lord through prayer). And I'm actually doing it! 

Due to our new goals and schedules, Miles and I are already doing several things again that we haven't done regularly for a while! I'm so happy to be DOING/LIVING again! :D

I have other goals, too, which I have YET to start, but I know these seemingly small daily habits I have already begun will greatly increase the odds of my success in the bigger things. :D Life is again filled with purpose and hope. Sigh. :)

I'm super excited about the new year and all the good things it will bring as we change habits and regain good health, in every way! :) We are creating a wonderful life!
I'm so excited, because I KNOW we are truly committed to DOING what it takes to create our desires, and to not just wish our lives would become more.

OK. Time to get Personal... To understand why this is a big deal to me, I will tell or remind you; I stayed in mother's womb for near 11 months. And even then I did not turn, so was born breech, feet first. This is the way much of my life has gone. I often wonder if my spirit was afraid to come, kicking and screaming up in heaven, "I'm not ready! Teach me more before I go!" I am a voracious learner, and made it a habit of not thinking I don't know enough to move onto the next step, so I have made it a solid habit to procrastinate taking the next step. 

But I recently realized that belief has been limiting my ability to learn more and continue growing. So now I am telling myself, "You never think you are good enough or ready, so stop waiting! Besides, an imperfect action is worth a lot more than the lack of it! And I can guarantee, you won't get better at something by waiting to do it"  Sigh. So true. OK. Even if I don't feel ready. Even if I'm afraid. I will "keep moving forward."And then I will be ready. :)

So I have a few more goals yet to start... I'm also going to go back to school, and continue my education in nutrition, so I can better prepare learn more to help people more. But I'm not waiting until I'm done with this to help people. I'm done waiting. The time is now. I will be creating another blog to share some of what I now know, (which, despite the many things I do not yet know, is STILL, QUITE valuable), so what was I waiting for? What I know helps me, doesn't it? So it can help others, too! For a health blog, which title sounds better to you... Leaders in Vitality, or Moore Vitality? I think my blog will be "Moore Vitality." :) Me sharing what I do to have more vitality in my life. ;) I also hope to work at a nutrition store a few hours a week to learn more and contribute to my community, now.
Cross your fingers and say your prayers that I succeed at these goals! I pray they prove to be blessings for me, and for you, and for many others. :)

If you want to follow my health blog stay tuned for the link! I hope you subscribe and follow! I promise to keep them short enough to read in a couple minutes. I know life is busy! :)  Please feel welcome to come by and chat with me here, and there, and to share the blogs with others if you would like to. The more friends the merrier, I always say! :)

Thank you so much for loving us!!! :D
Hugs and love, back,
Corine and Miles :)