Sunday, October 6, 2019

Keeping the Faith. Keeping the Vision. EnJOYing Life Amidst the Chaos! :)

July 21, 2019 Sunday afternoon

Dear friends,

I love you and I miss you!!! :D I know we have been really busy and you may be wondering what has been going on in the Moore house...

So here is a quick update of what has been going on in our lives. And more importantly, an effort to reach out to you and let you know that you are in our thoughts and prayers, and that we care about what is happening in YOUR life. Please feel free to call, write, or come by, ANY TIME! :) We love you!

As you probably already know, last year we began working on improving our home and making major adjustments to our business so we can improve our financial situation. We still need to get organized, but we did the hard part of beginning to lay the infrastructure! :D

We really did have great success with that! Though I sometimes seem to forget the progress, allowing myself to miss out on finding joy in all we have accomplished while foolishly focusing on what still needs to be done. I was reminded today of how much better it is to step back and look at what has been accomplished, and revel in and admire the progress! For Pete's sake, find joy in the journey!! :D

Hey, good idea! :D So here is a moment to revel a bit more. ;) Last year, we also began the process of making our home a little more recreation friendly. We got a new BBQ pit, and a Bad-mitten set! In addition, a reliable car with which to go places and take vacations! And for around town, fixed bikes so everyone has a bike to ride. :D Aren't these wonderful blessings! We feel so blessed! :)

I feel so blessed and relieved to realize that again this morning! You see, we have been sort of drowning in work for the past couple years, and this year, in January, we were told we have an audit to add icing to injury. Due to computer crashes, moving the business, etc. etc., we had to start from scratch, digging and searching for the required documentation, and quite frankly, it sucked so much time and energy that we were busy with that rather than on finishing the work we began last year. The goal we had of finishing getting our house and business in order in the early spring was put on hold. Summer is upon us, and we still have all that work to finish, in addition we are still working on the audit. But hopefully close to finishing. Having huge work protects before us has gone on so long that at times we have stopped looking at all that was accomplished, and became very overwhelmed with all that was still before us. Whenever we would do this, it took a lot of joy from our hearts and lives and at times, brought in a lot of stress and tension as well. 

I wish it was better at remembering and keeping my focus, but since this has been a struggle, the Lord just keeps waking me up and helping me to re frame or refocus my life and my thoughts. Rather than continuing to feel so overwhelmed with “all I have to do” and failing to make/take time to socialize; I am continually empowered with the truth that there is enough time and to spare! This mental change doesn't happen fully until I act in faith, and just DO the most important things, even if it seems I don't have time. Each time I decide to go ahead and try the “impossible,” our loving Father in Heaven makes the “impossible,” “possible,” and gives me eyes to see... As long as I continue doing what I can, I continue making progress in my goals and the Lord sets miracles in place to help me accomplish them. This is a huge relief! I am SO thankful to Him for blessing me with faith and courage to act in faith! Only then can the miracles come; "faith proceeds the miracle." 

Yep! :) I finally decided I am DONE waiting for some big project or event in life to get behind me to LIVE with purpose and passion, and to acquire a social life! :) I finally realize that life will just keep being busy. The type of busy just changes. I can't let being busy keep me from doing things that make life happy and good.

So, I made some decisions. I know things won't change all at once, overnight. But as my mind and habits change, so does my life. So I decided...

I am visiting friends again. 
I am inviting people to my home again. 
I am starting another aspect to our business, now instead of later. 
I am choosing a school to attend to continue my education as a Holistic Nutritionist. 
I am living/enjoying life, now, not after the next big project is finished. 

I'm no longer waiting for life to feel less busy to get on with doing the things that make life joyful.

Rest assured... Every one of my big important tasks on my "to do" list, will get done! And, NO, I'm not going to list them here. I'm done micro-focusing on that!

Rather than focus on the big "to do" list, I'm choosing to focus on the mental visions I desire to create in life. There are many. I will share one, less important than many, but simple, pleasant, and wonderful all the same...

  • I WILL one day find myself sitting on a hammock in my beautiful yard while reading; and enjoying bad-mitten and BBQ's with friends! :D It really will happen!

No matter how busy life may be, we DON'T have to miss out on the things that matter most! There is time enough, and to spare, for scripture study, prayers and meditation, exercise, wholesome recreation, service, and socializing... among many other things! Life is about Faith, Family, and Friends! :)

So please, dear loved ones, count us in when planning social outings and activities! You matter. We matter. Our relationships with God and with each other matter.

I pray God opens up the way and that we let nothing keep us from living productive, faith filled, meaningful lives.

Rather than focusing on our “to-do” list, and all the distant goals and assuming joy is to be found in the final destination, I purpose we relax, and Enjoy the journey! :) We can be happy NOW, TODAY, and in ANY circumstance, as long as we strive to align ourselves with God's will, and allow ourselves to see, and focus on our blessings, and on being thankful for them in whatever shape they come in. Since many blessings at first appear to be curses, I just keep remembering to apply the scriptural advice to, “thank the Lord in ALL things.” ;)

I know I can do this! We can do this! We are children of God who loves us, and created us to be happy! :D  So I'm just going to "keep on keeping on" and enjoying life! :D I hope you are happy and keep your focus on Christ and the good things in life so you can feel happy, too! :)

I pray you have a very blessed day and life! :)

In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. :)

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