Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Valerie's Attempt at Pondering: To Talk Like Christ

Words are so powerful! I'm really learning this at a deeper level as time goes on. I love it! :) Speaking positively. Speaking kindly. Speaking honestly. Speaking like Christ...  make a bad life good and a good life amazing! :) I now have a label you can use to look up posts titled "the power of words." And since I'm collecting inspiration from  which teaches of the power of words, I'm linking up with Valerie's blog again! :) Some things just need to be remembered...

Valerie's Attempt at Pondering: To Talk Like Christ

PS. I know I haven't written much as of late. I do hope to post weekly again soon. I will say here though that lately, I have fallen in love with my life again! :D It is AWESOME! Honestly, I still have days when I cry over something and all is not perfect - life is challenging. But I love it! I don't know what it is... Maybe it is simply that I know I'm on the right track and my life is going in such a positive direction. Maybe the lord is buoying me up to energize me! :o I feel like I'm taking "happy" pills. No. I don't take drugs of any kind! Never have, never will. But My life FEELS amazingly good right now! I feel incredibly happy with my life! :) sigh... (Maybe it has to do with all these positive and happy words dancing through my veins! ;)

I hope you love your life, too!

PPS. I have a new family blog...
I still need to jaz it up a bit, but I have transfered a few posts over to it and am now writing on it and plan to write on it weekly. I think I will make an effort to post weekly on each of these blogs. Welcome on over! :D

Corine :D


  1. Great post as usual Corine :)
    Have a Happy Thanksgiving!!

  2. Thank you! And a very Happy Thanksgiving to you!!!
    Corine :D

  3. I'm glad you're feeling so good about everything. I know that I'm in charge of my own happiness and I shouldn't wait for something before being happy, but I'm kinda stuck right now, thinking about those parts of my life that aren't ideal, to put it lightly, and think how much better everything will be in the future when all of that is fixed. I wish I could say I love my life right now for what it is. I am working on it though. Stay happy! :)


There is a ripple effect in all that we do; what you do touches me, what I do touches you...

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