Wednesday, October 17, 2012

A River of Peace...

Yesterday I made a feeble attempt to comfort someone over the loss of Jason, a very dear friend of ours. I probably sounded strong, secure, happy... Perhaps I am. Even still, when it came time to prepare food for my family, I went into the kitchen and forced myself to make zucchini bread and dinner - with tears streaming down my face. And you know what, I felt better after crying. I always do. Crying releases negative emotions and somehow makes everything easier to bear. I wonder now, if instead of encouraging my friend to "be happy" - if I should have encouraged her to let out her feelings out and just CRY.

This morning I got out an ensign magazine and just started reading. Without knowing the content I just opened the magazine and started reading an article titled A River of Peace (the lord leads me in this manner quite often; I love it! :)).

The article turned out to be written about by a man who had lost a son in a terrible accident. He wrote of the "piercing wound in his soul created by the loss of his son" and of how he dealt with it. In his article he acknowledged that "mourning is a result of our love." I think that is an important thing to note. Mourning is not a result of weakness or some perceived fault that one may have... "Mourning is a result of our love." I think that is a good thing...  :)

At the same token, the author acknowledged that though our hearts mourn, they don't have to be troubled. He spoke of the atonement and of how the Savior is acquainted with grief and knows how to succor us (and he pointed out that Christ chooses not to succor us too quickly, for we grow and come to understand things through mourning). He spoke of the peace that the lord offered him, "despite the heartache," and that all he had to do was ask for it.

The author spoke of the need to be courageous, willing to go through that which the lord sees fit to allow us to go through - just as Shadrach, Meshach, and Aben-digo did - knowing that the lord could do anything to keep them from pain or death, then stating "but if not" - showing continued devotion to God and trust in God's decisions. And the author closed with this statement:

"The greatest gift we can give those on both sides of the veil is to move forward with our heads held up in faith and hope in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, even if each step is taken with tears streaming down our faces. For we are promised that 'the grave hath no victory, and the sting of death is swallowed up in Christ' (Mosiah 16:8). One day 'the Lord God will wipe away tears from off all faces' (Isaiah 25:8).

My new advice is simple. Cry when you need to. But remember always to think positive thoughts, and keep living with faith in Jesus Christ - remembering that at the right time for fostering our own growth and eternal happiness - He will wipe our tears away...

Hugs to each of you my friends as you mourn...

Corine :D

PS. To read the entire article A River of Peace click here...


  1. I'm sorry to hear that you are mourning loss once again... or possibly the same loss? Either way, I'm thinking of you. <3 Hugs, my friend!

  2. Thank you so much, Ginger! I'm OK, Mourning just comes and goes but is more managable as time goes by. I was just fine when I first found out he died. Then I found out it was suicide and other things made it tougher as well. All will be OK in the end. I know others are struggling with this as well so I posted this hoping that it might help another. PS. I hope you are well. :)



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