Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Principles of HOPE and True Confidence...

I found an AMAZING video recently which I LOVE! LOVE! LOVE!. I know I already told you about it here, but I'll mention it again! :) The words amaze me, because they totally describe a healing that has taken place inside of me... allowing me to see and appreciate the beauty in myself AND IN MY LIFE! (It also tells who healed me and how! :))

Then today, I found another fabulous video on a friends blog. Both give insight to what helps a girl to feel beautiful and confident (of course, these principles must apply to young men as well, I would think...)

I have recently realized that a big part of winning the battle of good over evil, consists of being able to distinguish between truth and lies. Lies disarm, discourage, and disable us. Truth arms us with hope and power to overcome and sets us free! Did you know that with TRUTH there is always HOPE? :)  Satan disguises lies as truth by mixing a bit of truth in with lies so we will see lies as truth and lose hope; but if we recognize lies as lies, they can't discourage us. I REALLY believe that. I believe that if I truly want to be all that I can be and enjoy life to the fullest, then I have to BELIEVE TRUTH, not lies. Jesus Christ has helped me so much with this! He has CHANGED ME- by helping me to recognize lies woven into truth, disregard the lies, and change negative thoughts and beliefs to positive (there is ALWAYS hope! :)...

Now, for that MUST HEAR song which sums up so much of what I have learned... I actually put it on the sidebar of my blog, so you may have already seen it while here. But just in case...

I will also share with you the new video that I found today on a friend's blog. It is also amazing... :) This video hones in on the importance of VIRTUE. This is a topic which I at one time thought of only as sexual purity (which IS so important and really does affect a girl's confidence). I have since learned that virtue is even more. Virtue also has to do with having/believing thoughts that are true. When I believed negative things about myself (lies from the adversary) I was easily discouraged and didn't like myself or my life like I could have. I didn't realize it at the time, but negative thoughts are not only self defeating and demoralizing, they are also untrue, thus, they aren't virtuous thoughts...  We need to look for the good in ourselves, and think as kindly about ourselves as we would our dearest friends. We need to give ourselves, the hope we would give to our dearest friends! THIS HOPE GIVES CONFIDENCE TO OVERCOME! And only then can we have virtuous thoughts which allow us to have the spirit to be with us continually...

I hope you have a hope-filled and VIRTUOUS/confident life! :)

PS. A note to my best friends... Thank you, for always supporting and encouraged my choice to live virtuously. I love you! :)

Corine :D

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